George Thomas Bechervaise

His sister, ADA, was married to Wilson Scott in New Carlisle and raised a large family. He moved there, after a stint working in the west, and was employed by The CNR railway co. and served for 34 years as conductor on the passenger train before resigning and taking up selling Life Insurance for The Great \west life Insurance Co. As an Insurance salesman he traveled the Coast regularly and knew many peoples; many who he had met through their traveling on the train. He never got to speak French but his clientele consisted of  of both languages groups.
He married Evelene Pearl Hall, a descent of the "United Empire Loyalist" group that had settled there. She was a registered Nurse who had graduated from " The Soldiers Memorial Hospital " in Campbellton , N.B. With no Health Support in the communities at that time, she was a community resource and did Home Care Services. In the 1940's she raised two boys , my brother Kenneth and I, (Lynden).
During these years they were getting themselves a house in New Carlisle but at the same time Dad had the old Home in Gaspé torn down and used some of the material to build a Home for his brother William and sister Nita.